For many years, the Dragon Warriors Wiki was hosted on Wetpaint, a free public wiki, before being migrated in 2013 to WikiFoundry. During that migration, a bug in the platform meant the Dragon Warriors Wiki became read-only — but still a veritable trove of inspiration for players of the Dragon Warriors RPG. However, on 1 June 2021, WikiFoundry closed its doors and even that access was lost. Hence this archive — I didn't want all of the great content from the wiki to fade from the Internet forever.
Whilst explicit permission has not been granted by the individual authors of the wiki articles to be collated in this archive, in the spirit of the wiki to which they were shared and the implicit presumption that they did so on the basis that they were happy for their work to be shared freely with our community, I have compiled what I can from the wiki in a series of downloadable documents (links below).
Other than a bit of proofreading, reorganising, reformatting, and typographical correcting, I have made minimal changes to the articles as I have compiled them. The intention has not been to create a professional-looking publishable work from the content of the wiki or for me to be the arbiter of what gets shared and how — I have striven only to share as much of the repository to which I have access in as faithful a manner as possible, retaining as much of the author's original voice as I can.
The name of the author for each article has been included, where known, although sometimes this is just the arcane username the author used in the wiki rather than their actual name. If any of the attributions are inaccurate or missing that the real author would like changed, let me know. I am more than happy to maintain this archive for the foreseeable future.
This content is not my work, nor do I have explicit permission to publish it — it is being made available here in good faith as an archive of the Dragon Warriors RPG WikiFoundry Wiki only, and no claim is made to the ideas or content.
If you are interested in reading more about my editorial decisions, I've gone into more detail here. Otherwise, download and enjoy!